Teaching since Fall 2001 – 3rd year in 2nd grade

Earlier this week I read this post by Paul Wagner. I had set up linoit on my Ipads, but my 2nd graders weren’t quite ready. So I had dropped it and forgot about it. Well we tried it again this week and they were ready to give it a try. The result is below.


I have my students organized in 4 groups. Each group is assigned a color. Their remotes and Ipads are stored in cloth bags with those colors. So they made their posted notes their group color.  The kids used an app on their Ipads. I am fortunate enough to have 1 Ipad per 2 kids. So they sat with their partners on the carpet and typed in their Jan Brett questions. (Yellow is currently down 1 Ipad due to an accident – so they have fewer posts.)  For my kids this is much easier than using their promethean remotes, because they can use the full keyboard on the ipad.

So my real problem is how do I make sure I don’t forget about good tools that my 2nd graders need to grow into?

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Comments on: "How do you remember all the tools you can use?" (3)

  1. This is a great idea that I wish every child could be afforded! Very nice!

  2. Oh, and about not forgetting. Could you group your apps by age group/grade in folders? Otherwise, I would recommend a good list-making app, like Listary or Protaskinote. The first is simpler and for the iPhone, although could be used on an iPad. The second is iPad only. Both really good. And, you just gave me a post idea, so thanks!

  3. Another idea for not forgetting tools may be to set certain tools/apps into your curriculum. As you come across new tools think through your curriculum for the year and where it would best fit. Make a note. When you get to a new 9 weeks, look through your curriculum notes. Once you show your students, they will help you remember.

    You can even make a project wall where you list different tools/apps and how they can be used.

    The last idea is to create menus for your class. Think of your tools and what projects they are bet for. When you are redy for another project create a menu with the tools there so kids can select which tool they wan to use. Have hem keep the menu and have them choose different tools from the menu each time.

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